SCHOOL OF Management

Management courses teach you the art and Science of Decision making. Every business needs back office support for strategic decision making. Data collection, analysis, studying and analyzing trends, conducting surveys and market study are skills which are much in demand. Management courses are broadly divided into two types, General Management Courses and Specific functional based courses. General management course cover the basic of day to day office operation management. Specific functional management courses like Diploma in Human Resources or Diploma in Banking and Finance cover basic management skills for that specific function or industry.


In today’s modern businesses, office managers have become the backbones of the whole setup. They are responsible for processes, procedures, documentation, communication, supervising...


With growing digitalization and thinning geographical boundaries the need of individuals skilled in data manning, process mapping, analysis etc has risen high. The student may not know the...


One of the oldest and most profitable sectors of the economy are banking and finance. The course of Banking and finance teaches the basics of back office work of banking and finance industry...



Health and lifestyle has always been a growing industry and subject matter specialist are always in demand, be they at the entry level as trainees or at the advance level as subject matter experts...


Events are an integral part of any business model. Events can be related to promotion, branding or creating awareness about a specific company or product or issues. Events create the image of an organization...


Supply chain management is the handling of the entire production flow of a good or service — starting from the raw components all the way to delivering the final product to the consumer...



Every business needs people to work, even if it uses the highest level of technology, and for managing people the business needs Human Resource Professional...
